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Title: Role of chemical and mechanical stimuli in mediating bone fracture healing.
Epworth Authors: Richardson, Martin
Other Authors: Zhang, Lihai
Mendis, Priyan
Keywords: Biomechanical Phenomena
Bone and Bones
Models, Biological
Patient-Specific Computational Modeling
Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Growth Factors
Healing Process
Musculoskeletal Clinical Institute, Epworth HealthCare, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: Aug-2012
Publisher: Wiley Online Library
Citation: Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology. 2012 Aug;39(8):706-10.
Abstract: Bone is a remarkable living tissue that provides a framework for animal body support and motion. However, under excessive loads and deformations, bone is prone is to damage through fracture. Furthermore, once the bone is weakened by osteoporosis, bone fracture can occur even after only minimal trauma. Various techniques have been developed to treat bone fractures. Successful treatment outcomes depend on a fundamental understanding of the biochemical and biomechanical environments of the fracture site. Various cell types (e.g. mesenchymal stem cells, chondrocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts) within the fracture site tightly control the healing process by responding to the chemical and mechanical microenvironment. However, these mechanochemical regulatory mechanisms remain poorly understood at the system level owing to the large range of variables, such as age, sex and disease-associated material properties of the tissue. Computational modelling can play an important role in unravelling this complexity by combining mechanochemical interactions, revealing the dominant controlling processes and optimizing system behaviour, thereby enabling the development and evaluation of treatment strategies for individual patients.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1681.2011.05652.x
PubMed URL:
ISSN: 1440-1681
Journal Title: Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology
Type: Journal Article
Affiliated Organisations: Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Review
Appears in Collections:Musculoskeletal

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