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Title: Using multimedia to enhance the consent process for bunion correction surgery.
Epworth Authors: Wickramasinghe, Nilmini
Batuyong, Eldridge
Beischer, Andrew
Other Authors: Jowett, Andrew
Keywords: Orthopaedics
Hallux Valgus
Informed Consent
Patient Education
Bunion Correction Surgery
Foot Deformities
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Foot Surgery
Musculoskeletal Clinical Institute, Epworth HealthCare, Victoria, Australia
Health Information Management, Epworth Healthcare, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Publisher: Wiley
Citation: ANZ J Surg. 2014 Apr;84(4):249-54.
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Obtaining informed consent from patients considering bunion surgery can be challenging. This study assessed the efficacy of a multimedia technology as an adjunct to the informed consent process. METHODS: A prospective, cohort study was conducted involving 55 patients (7 males, 48 females) who underwent a standardized verbal discussion regarding bunion correction surgery followed by completion of a knowledge questionnaire. A multimedia educational program was then administered and the knowledge questionnaire repeated. Additional supplementary questions were then given regarding satisfaction with the multimedia program. RESULTS: Patients answered 74% questions correctly before the multimedia module compared with 94% after it (P < 0.0001). Patients rated the ease of understanding and the amount of information provided by the module highly. Eighty-four percent of patients considered that the multimedia tool performed as well as the treating surgeon. CONCLUSION: Multimedia technology is useful in enhancing patient knowledge regarding bunion surgery for the purposes of obtaining informed consent.
DOI: 10.1111/ans.12534
PubMed URL:
ISSN: 1445-2197
Journal Title: ANZ Journal of Surgery
Type: Journal Article
Affiliated Organisations: Orthopaedics, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK
Business IT & Logistics, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Prospective Cohort Study
Appears in Collections:Health Informatics

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