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dc.contributor.authorde Steiger, Richard-
dc.contributor.authorHutchinson, Ana-
dc.contributor.authorMcDonall, Jo-
dc.contributor.authorBotti, Mari-
dc.contributor.authorRedley, Bernice-
dc.contributor.otherLivingston, P. M.-
dc.contributor.otherHeynsbergh, Natalie-
dc.contributor.otherReynolds, J.-
dc.description.abstractBackground: Active participation of patients in their care is important for ensuring safe and high quality healthcare. However, the operationalisation of patient participation is complex and acute care environments have characteristics that place significant barriers to achieving patient engagement. Strategies to enhance patient capability and opportunity for participation in care are required. A cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) of an intervention to enhance patient participation following Total Hip Replacement surgery using the clinician-led, multimedia ‘MyStay’ has been designed to measure the effect of engagement on postoperative pain, patient satisfaction and inpatient length of stay. An essential component of the study is successful implementation of the intervention. Methods: The implementation strategy to be used is underpinned by the PARiHS Knowledge Translation Framework that includes support from organisational leaders, addressing local contextual barriers and providing ongoing support to facilitate implementation at the bedside. All nurses in the participating wards will be invited to engage in mini-workshops in small groups of six to learn about the MyStay program, navigate through the system and model how to engage patients in their care using MyStay and interact with patients about their goals of recovery. Conclusion: The findings of this element of the randomised trial will inform the process evaluation component of the trial. More broadly the findings will contribute to the literature related to the impact of interventions designed to improve patients’ capability and opportunity for participation in post-operative recovery.en_US
dc.subjectPatient Participationen_US
dc.subjectParticipation in Careen_US
dc.subjectTotal Hip Replacementen_US
dc.subjectMyStory Programen_US
dc.subjectPostoperative Painen_US
dc.subjectPatient Satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectLength of Stayen_US
dc.subjectImplementation of Interventionen_US
dc.subjectManaging Patient Experieneen_US
dc.subjectPARiHS Knowledge Translation Frameworken_US
dc.subjectPost-Opertive Recoveryen_US
dc.subjectMusculoskeletal Clinical Institute, Epworth HealthCare, Victoria, Australiaen_US
dc.subjectCentre for Quality and Patient Safety Research, Epworth HealthCare Partnershipen_US
dc.titleMultimedia (MyStay). Intervention for managing patient experience (MIME) following joint replacement surgery: A cluster randomised trial. Protocol for intervention implementation.en_US
dc.typeConference Posteren_US
dc.description.affiliatesMonash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australiaen_US
dc.description.affiliatesAlfred Health, Victoria, Australia.en_US
dc.type.studyortrialRandomized Controlled Clinical Trialen_US
dc.description.conferencenameEpworth HealthCare Research Week 2018en_US
dc.description.conferencelocationEpworth Research Institute, Victoria, Australiaen_US
Appears in Collections:Musculoskeletal
Research Week

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