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Title: Transition from paper to electronic nursing documentation in residential aged care: an actor network theory analysis.
Epworth Authors: Haddad, Peter
Wickramasinghe, Nilmini
Muhammad, Imran
Botti, Mari
Redley, Bernice
Other Authors: Nguyen, Lemai
Bakewell, Lachlan
Wilde, David
Moghimi, Hoda
Considine, Julie
Keywords: Electronic Nursing Documentation
Nursing Information System
Actor Network Theory
Aged Care
Residential Agred Care
Technology Implementation
Priori Themes
Chair of Health Informatics Management, Epworth HealthCare, Victoria, Australia
Epworth/Deakin Centre for Clinical Nursing Research, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Electronic Journal of Health Informatics 9.1 (2015): 1-12.
Abstract: Objectives: To examine the role of technology when introduced into the specific setting of residential aged care and then analyse the associated changes to this complex socio-technical network of human and technology actors on the introduction of this technology using the rich lens of Actor Network Theory. Methods: An exploratory qualitative single case study was conducted. The specific focus being the implementation of a nursing information system in an aged care context, i.e. the transition from paper-based nursing documentation to electronic nursing documentation. A series of 19 semi structured interviews with facility managers, nursing coordinators, and the nursing and care staff were conducted. The collected data were analysed using standard qualitative techniques such as thematic analysis and a priori themes were developed from the application of Actor Network Theory. Results: A priori themes coupled with emergent themes served to highlight the impact of a disruptive technology solution into a complex context. Conclusion: An Actor Network Theory analysis enables a rich theoretical lens to be used to examine the introduction of a disruptive technology into a complex context. On such examination critical success factors were identified as well as key barriers. Moreover, people issues were found to be central to the success of such a solution.
ISSN: 1446-4381
Journal Title: Electronic Journal of Health Informatics
Type: Journal Article
Affiliated Organisations: Deakin University, Australia
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Exploratory Qualitative Design
Appears in Collections:Health Informatics

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