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Title: CarepariZn: Translating social comparison elements into a mobile solution to support weight loss.
Epworth Authors: Wickramasinghe, Nilmini
Other Authors: Kouliev, Farruch
Durst, Caroline
Keywords: Obesity
Weight Loss
Mobile App
Social Comparison
Health-Related Behavior
Chair of Health Informatics Management, Epworth HealthCare, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: Jan-2015
Conference Name: 48 Hawaii Intl. Conference Systems Science HICSS
Conference Location: Hawaii, USA
Abstract: Overweight and obesity have become a severe medical and financial societal challenge. Besides an unbalanced caloric intake and expenditure, individual behaviors and lifestyle choices shaped by the social environment, are driving, if not significantly impacting on the global obesity epidemic. This research in progress paper is focused on social comparison theory and presents the design of the mobile application CarepariZn that implements elements of this theory in order to support weight loss. In the application, users can compare themselves to other users similar in weight, experience and sport motives. The ranking system includes social comparison motives such as self-enhancement, self-assessment, self-verification, self-improvement and provides upward and downward comparison possibilities. This app will be tested in a field-experiment and the collected data will be analyzed in order to find out if social comparison affects health-related behavior and if so, in which way (s).
DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.2015.387
Type: Conference Paper
Affiliated Organisations: Health Informatics
Appears in Collections:Health Informatics

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