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Title: Information architecture considerations in designing a comprehensive tuberculosis enterprise system in Western Kenya.
Epworth Authors: Wickramasinghe, Nilmini
Other Authors: Gichoya, Judy
Pearce, Chris
Keywords: Tuberculosis
Mobile Health
Information Systems
Health Information Systems
Chair of Health Informatics Management, Epworth HealthCare, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: IOS Press
Citation: Studies in health technology and informatics, 192, 1120-1120.
Abstract: Kenya ranks among the twenty-two countries that collectively contribute about 80% of the world's Tuberculosis cases; with a 50-200 fold increased risk of tuberculosis in HIV infected persons versus non-HIV hosts. Contemporaneously, there is an increase in mobile penetration and its use to support healthcare throughout Africa. Many are sceptical that such m-health solutions are unsustainable and not scalable. We seek to design a scalable, pervasive m-health solution for Tuberculosis care to become a use case for sustainable and scalable health IT in limited resource settings. We combine agile design principles and user-centered design to develop the architecture needed for this initiative. Furthermore, the architecture runs on multiple devices integrated to deliver functionality critical for successful Health IT implementation in limited resource settings. It is anticipated that once fully implemented, the proposed m-health solution will facilitate superior monitoring and management of Tuberculosis and thereby reduce the alarming statistic regarding this disease in this region.
DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-289-9-1120
ISSN: 0926-9630
Journal Title: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Type: Journal Article
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Exploratory Qualitative Design
Appears in Collections:Health Informatics

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